Get Pizza Stamp for Free in Google Pay 2020 Event
So, In this article, let us discuss the easiest way to get a pizza stamp on this event without even spending a rupee or making any transaction on the end.
Some Unknown Hidden Gems in Google Photos
So, In this article let us discuss the cool features that are added to google play in recent days and the things most people are unaware of.
Government Restricts Mobile Gaming to 1.5 hours a Day
In this article, let us look into the rules that the china government has proposed and how concerned is the government on the well being on citizens
Why Google, Facebook, and Whatsapp Blocked in China?
So, In this article let us discuss the reasons why China has blocked these Apps that are very popular and International brands that are available throughout the world.
Steps to Speed Up Windows 10 Performance
So, In this article, we will be stating the best methods to speed up the performance of the windows 10 OS that actually works and these methods doesn’t include using Flash drives as memory or fragmenting disks or even uninstalling or installing a software.
Best Cheap Hand Gesture Controlled Drone – November 2019
So, In this article, the cheapest hand gesture-controlled drone is reviewed thoroughly and the pros and cons of the product are discussed briefly.
Mobile Apps that Wake You in a Different Way (Alarm Apps)
In this article, let us see the mobile alarm apps that wake you up in a whole different way that helps you get out of bed easier and even makes your day a lot better.
Compact Smartphones that are midsized in November 2019
So, In this article, let me highlight some of the compact-sized smartphones that are decent in performance and are less bulky when compared to the recent flagships.