Apple iOS 14 is turning into a humiliation for enormous names in the application business as it keeps on exposing applications that secretly access the clipboard. Let’s discuss some hidden story about the Apple iOS 14.
TikTok was among the first to stand out as truly newsworthy after it was found getting to a client’s clipboard out of sight for no reason by any stretch of the imagination.
Be that as it may, soon iOS 14 helped designers and beta analyzers get numerous applications doing likewise. Things being what they are, TikTok was simply one more famous application in the rundown of 50 other enormous names that furtively get to the general clipboard of iOS clients.
Also Read: IOS 14: Best Hidden Features Apple Didn’t Mention
Some Application Names:-

Huge names include LinkedIn, Call of Duty Mobile, Accuweather, AliExpress, Google News among others. The most recent to add to this rundown is Reddit.
Having said that some applications like PUBG Mobile, Truecaller, TikTok, and others have just fixed the issues and have quit sneaking around on iOS clipboard. LinkedIn and Reddit have vowed to fix the issue.
Be that as it may, what’s frightening is that without this new iOS 14 feature, these applications would have proceeded as they were.
For those who are not unaware, Apple has been offering the general clipboard for a long while which encourages clients to reorder content across Apple gadgets. Yet, with iOS 14, Apple has rolled out a significant improvement.
It has begun to inform clients at whatever point an application gets to the general clipboard.
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Talk About Apple iOS 14:-
This is the manner by which popular applications are being gotten out by iOS14 beta clients. Things being what they are, what’s the serious deal if an application peruses your clipboard information?
The issue is that this gives the capacity for applications to peruse Clipboard information on another close by Apple gadgets that don’t have the application introduced in any case.

For instance, in the event that you have TikTok introduced on your iPhone and you are likewise utilizing an iPad and Mac with a similar Apple ID, the TikTok application that is there on your iPhone can peruse clipboard information that is there on your iPad or Mac regardless of not being introduced on these gadgets.
All it needs is your iPad, iPhone, and Mac to be inside approximately 10 feet of one another.
Every one of them shares an all-inclusive clipboard, which means content can be replicated from the application of one gadget and glued into an application running on a different gadget,” clarified analysts Talal Haj Bakry and Tommy Mysk in a report by Ars Technica.
Presently, clipboard information contains touchy data like passwords, addresses, or messages. Not simply TikTok, this is the rundown of applications that precisely do something very similar.

Presently, LinkedIn, Reddit, TikTok, and numerous different applications have conceded this defect and claims to quit doing this in the future. Thus, it very well implies that these applications can undoubtedly work without sneaking around on your iOS clipboard.
Here is the rundown of different applications got by the security analysts according to the official blog entry.
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- 8 Ball Pool – com.miniclip.8ballpoolmult (Fixed issue after notice)
- Block Puzzle – Game.BlockPuzzle Classic Bejeweled — com.popcap.ios.Bej3 (Fixed issue after notice)
- AMAZE (Fixed issue after notice) Bejeweled — com.ea.ios.bejeweledskies
- FlipTheGun – com.playgendary.flipgun
- Classic Bejeweled HD — com.popcap.ios.Bej3HD
- Letter Soup – com.candywriter.apollo7 (Fixed issue after notice)
- Plants versus Zombies Heroes – com.ea.ios.pvzheroes
- Golfmasters – com.playgendary.sportmasterstwo
- Fruit Ninja – com.halfbrick.FruitNinjaLite
- Tomb of the Mask: Color – com.happymagenta.totm2 (Fixed issue after notice)
- Total Party Kill – com.adventureislands.totalpartykill Watermarbling – com.hydro.dipping
- Love Nikki – com.elex.nikki My Emma – com.crazylabs.myemma
- Tomb of the Mask – com.happymagenta.fromcore (Fixed issue after notice)
- Pooking – Billiards City –
- PUBG Mobile – com.tencent.ig (Fixed issue after notice)
Social media Application
- Viber – com.viber (Fixed issue after notice)
- TrueCallerOther (Fixed issue after notice)
- TikTok – com.zhiliaoapp.musically (Fixed issue after notice) ToTalk – Tok – com.SimpleDate.Tok Truecaller – com.truesoftware.
- Weibo – Zoosk — com.zoosk.Zoosk
So, In this article I tried to mention the applications as much as I can. Please Follow our blog and If you have any queries regarding our post, feel free to ask in Comment Section.