Apple just launched the iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 pubic betas. Presently, anybody with a perfect iPhone or iPad can get an early see of the highlights that every other person will get this fall.
In case you’re willing to endure intermittent bugs and issues, you can introduce and help test it at the present time. In any case, would it be a good idea for you too? My wise counsel: hold up until September.
Despite the fact that the gleaming new feature in iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 are extraordinarily enticing, it’s presumably best that you hold off on introducing the beta at the present time.
Here are four reasons you should not download iOS 14 and iPadOS 14.
1. Some applications are going to break
So as to add new features and capabilities to iOS 14 and iPadOS 14, Apple needs to make changes to the code that application designers use to work against.
This is a result of those progressions that during the beta procedure before engineers can freely discharge updates to fix any issues, that some applications will without a doubt break.
A basic Twitter search only several hours after the open beta went live returns protests about a banking application and the UK’s Sky TV are both broken on iOS 14. I looked through possibly 5 tweets before I found those models. Definitely, there are more.
Confusing issues is the way that Apple discharges a few beta updates all through the review time frame and anybody of those updates can incorporate changes that break an application.

So regardless of whether your banking application works fine on Public Beta 2, it is extremely unlikely to know whether Public Beta 3 will break it.
On the off chance that there are basic applications without which you wouldn’t have the option to carry out your responsibility, deal with your cash, or even get into your home utilizing a smart lock don’t introduce iOS 14 or iPadOS 14 yet.
Also Read: Apple iOS 14: Apps that may be still spying on you and the ones who have stopped
2. Battery life is consistently the exact last thing that improves
I have one of Apple’s Smart Battery cases, yet I once in a while use it. In any event, until I begin testing the following adaptation of iOS when it turns out to be allegorically stuck to my iPhone.
I can’t state for certain, yet it generally feels as though during the beta program Apple centers around actualizing and improving highlights most of the time.
At that point as September draws nearer, with it the official discharge, the center changes to improving battery and getting it back to where it was pre-beta.
3. There will be irregular restarts and bugs
It’s guaranteed. Apple isn’t finished chipping away at iOS 14 or iPadOS 14 and there will be issues that sneak past or that Apple thinks about, yet plans to fix in a future form.
For example, only toward the beginning of today, I attempted to change songs in Apple Music while AirPlaying to a close-by speaker. The second I touched the next button, my screen went dark and I saw the Apple logo.
A couple of moments later, my phone was back fully operational with no issue. Be that as it may, occurrences like this, albeit rare, can be irritating, disappointing, and, contingent upon what you’re doing at that point, might make you lose work.
Also Read: IOS 14: Best Hidden Features Apple Didn’t Mention
4. Returning to iOS 13 isn’t perfect
It is conceivable to uninstall iOS 14 and move back to a progressively steady working framework, yet even that accompanies a major drawback you’ll need to industrial facility restore your iPhone or iPad.
That implies you’ll either need to begin once more, as though your gadget is fresh out of the plastic new or in the event that you made a reinforcement before introducing the beta, utilize that as a restore point.

In any case, you’ll presumably lose a few information perhaps a great deal of information and that is not something any of us need to manage.
Regardless of whether you hold off on introducing iOS 14 at the present time, you can get to know a portion of its best feature now. Here are the greatest changes to the home screen, security controls, and another to-iPhone video device called picture-in-picture.
Also Read: Instagram Reels: How to create, watch, save 15-second short videos?
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