Technology is growing at an unmatchable pace and this, on one hand, helps humanity to make their tasks easier and on the other hand, it may lead to the destruction of the normal well-being of mankind.
So, In this article let us discuss the top 10 technologies that are predicted to rule the minds of people in 2020 and thus making it a very remarkable year in the history of technology.
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Some of these technologies are still in the development phase, while some are in the post-development phase and some are even in the conceptual phase of development.
But these technologies are more remarkable because these technologies are promised to get live by the end of 2020.
So, what are we waiting for, let’s get started.
1. Controlling Devices with Brain Chips:

Our Brain is one of the greatest biological unconquered creation that works on various pulses and electronic stimulus. The concepts shown in Science Fiction are real by some point.
Intel has proposed this concept of controlling devices with a thought in 2020 but this is true for some degree.
Currently, it is possible to implant a chip in the brain and makes someone respond or stimulate neural activity. But these signals from the brain are hard to interpret and channel these signals to control a device.
2. A $1K Computer becomes a Human Brain:

This was predicted like a couple of years ago by Cisco’s chief futurist that a $1000 computer will have the computing power of a human brain.
This processing power is purely based on the cycles of operation and efficiency and not in terms of Intelligence.
This is in accordance with Morre’s law of operational power.
3. Synthetic Brain:

Once we get the processing power of a brain in a $1000 computer, we can get to build a brain that can function like a brain itself.
Researches have already started this and named it the Blue Brain Project and they are crossing hurdles day by day as building a brain from scratch is not a cup of cake.
This will progress as we get the difficulties as we move on and this project cannot be promised within 2020 but we will surely get there one day.
4. Augmented Reality Glasses:

Augmented Reality has been implemented in Phone cameras but that doesn’t suffice the human wishes. We wish to see augmented reality in whatever we see through our eyes and we want it more sleek, comfortable and customizable.
So, these customizable AR Glasses are in the development stage and halfway done. This keeps the expectations for these glasses more possible by 2020.
5. Universal Translation in Mobiles:

This is practically developed by Google and other major companies in the realtime with software like Google Translate and other translation apps on the internet.
Here, the translation actually happens in the cloud where the queries are converted to other languages in the data collection provided by the top companies and the government having the large datasets of translation data.
The accuracy of this purely depends on the language from which is converted and the language to it is being converted.
6. Commercial Space Travel to Moon and Asteroids:

The process of taking people to the outer space has to become the bustling space industry that attracts the rich people who can afford to spend 10 lakhs for a birthday party.
Commercial Space travel seems likely to be done in 2020 but the travel to the moon is kind of impossible that too within 2020 as the compliance with the law firms and tolerance to human bodies haven’t been tested yet.
7. Beijing to London via High-Speed Rails:

China is planning to link the Eastern world with the Western world using high-speed rails that not just connect the western and eastern parts of China.
China would cover all the expenses for and build the infrastructure in exchange for the rights to natural resources such as minerals, timber, and oil from the nations that would benefit from being linked into the trans-Asian/European corridor.
8. Cars that drive themselves:

Self Driving cars were a dream of many and some companies work their brains out for this, like Google and some automakers like Tesla, etc., but they cannot ensure safety and integrity with the society.
These cars have a predefined set of rules that governs the entire process and when a situation out of the box occurs, the system may result in loss of men and materials.
This is an ongoing live project that has been through the testing phase. Read more about this on Waymo – Driverless Car Taxi that Costs less than Uber.
Also, these heterogeneous cars don’t have a wireless network world to stay connected and our world is not for that either.
9. Bio-Fuels will be cost-competitive with Fossil Fuels:

The US government has decided to use half of its energy on renewable sources and the navy also promised to change to renewable sources by 2020.
This is a great initiative and this will produce cleaner vehicles and reduce pollution by a large number.
This seems to be sure as the political views of this are more likely and we can see this by the end of 2020 possibly.
10. Flying cars will be Airborne:

The Flying car concept cannot be produced because of many factors like the air traffic and compliance with the safety laws etc.,
But this can be implemented in the military at the end of 2020 as promised and there are no chances of this being available to all of us now.
The GoodBye Part:
Thrilled to have these on the real-life, Well Me too!
The development phase is happening at a higher pace and there are more chances we see them sooner in 2020. Till then, sit back, relax and keep reading!
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Thanks for spending time here, Cheers!